Course Information

Because band is a cocurricular class, we will have a few graded events that will take place outside of the school day. Please take a moment to add all of these mandatory band events to your personal calendar. I'd also strongly recommend signing up for remind messages (instructions are included at the bottom of this page). I've done my best to provide all necessary info here. If any changes or additions need to be made throughout the year, I'll be sure to provide at least 30 days notice. 

Beginner Band Information

2nd Hour Band Google Class Code: zcm4qhw

7th Hour Band Google Class Code: hidfahs

7th / 8th grade band information

Click here for the 7th/8th grade JPJH Band Performance Calendar

Click here for the JPJH Band Syllabus

7th Grade Band: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here,  text @d43aka to the number 81010

8th Grade Band: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here, text @b3687f to the number 81010

7th Grade Band Google Class Code: r4uhof4

8th Grade Band Google Class Code: irz46u2

I will do my best to send out remind messages throughout the year. Please see instructions below to sign up!

6th Grade Band: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here, or text @4bh94k2 to the number 81010

7th Grade Band: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here,  text @d43aka to the number 81010

8th Grade Band: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here, text @b3687f to the number 81010

Exploratory Course: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here, or text @ddka63d to the number 81010

Exploratory Course information

Click here for the Exploratory Course Syllabus

Exploratory Course: To sign up for my Remind messages, please click here, or text @ddka63d to the number 81010

Exploratory Google Class Code: algkuwg